Lelo és un artista autodidacta de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, conegut pel seu treball d’art urbà. La seva producció inclou murals, pintures, dibuixos, gravats, escultures i més recentment, vídeos i objectes.

Les seves obres es caracteritzen per les composicions d’animals i persones, escollides per tenir un simbolisme interessant i que poden ser retratats d’una manera sintètica, representats per la interacció de formes simples, textures i patrons, alguns creats i desenvolupats per l’artista, altres reutilitzats d’algun material que troba.

Les seves obres han estat mostrades en exposicions i publicacions al Brasil, Argentina, Estats Units, Alemanya, Espanya, Àustria, Grècia i Sud-àfrica. I els seus murals es poden veure a tot el món, principalment a Rio de Janeiro i São Paulo, on té el seu estudi en l’actualitat.

Lelo is a self-taught artist from Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Best known for his work of urban art. His production includes murals, paintings, drawings, prints, sculptures and more recently, videos and objects.

His works are characterized by the compositions of animals and people, chosen for having some interesting symbolism and that can be portrayed in a synthetic form, represented by the interaction of bold shapes, textures and patterns, some created and developed by the artist, other reused from some found material.

His works have been shown in exhibitions and publications in Brazil, Argentina, United States, Germany, Spain, Austria, Greece and South Africa. And his murals can be seen throughout the world, mainly in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, where he has his studio today.